Customizing colors

Updating general colors

Note: This option is only available in the Caddy Premium Edition.

  1. Navigate to the Caddy “Settings” page, then to the “Styles” tab.
  2. Select your custom colors you’d like under the “General Color Options” section.

Updating the “Save button” colors

Note: This option is only available in the Caddy Premium Edition.

  1. Navigate to the Caddy “Settings” page, then to the “Styles” tab.
  2. Select your custom colors you’d like under the “Save Button Color Options (Product Pages)” and “Save Button Color Options (Shop Pages)” sections.

Adding Custom CSS Styles

  1. Navigate to the Caddy “Settings” page, then to the “Styles” tab.
  2. Add your custom CSS styles under the “Custom Styles” sections.