= 2.0.2 =
- Improvement: Improved guest to registered user – carts tracking
- Improvement: Improved abandoned cart reactivation – carts tracking
- Fix: Added version numbers to scripts to prevent caching issues
- Fix: Pulling unnecessary DB calls from the settings page
- Fix: Open cart request from customizer
- Fix: Duplicate cart item issue for ATC triggered workflows
- Fix: Free shipping meter exclusions
= 2.0.1 =
- Improvement: Added “Boosted” column in the admin carts table
- Improvement: Added “Captured at” and “Time to Capture” times in the admin carts popup
- Improvement: Added sorting to dashboard tables
- Fix: Optimized dashboard “Most abandoned Products” query for performance & compatibility
- Fix: Conversions tracking issues
= 2.0.0 =
- Feature: Conversion tracking
- Feature: Cart tracking
- Feature: Workflows
- Feature: Analytics dashboard
- Feature: Confetti celebration on free shipping meter
- Improvement: Added more styling options
- Improvement: Customize Caddy styles live in the Customizer
- Improvement: Improved performance
- Improvement: Select2 added to admin settings dropdowns
- Improvement: Selectable variable products support in recommendations
- Improvement: Cart processing improvements
- Fix: Various bug fixes and improvements
= 1.7.1 =
- Fix: Broken translation text
- Improvement: Improved validation, sanitizing and escaping
= 1.7 =
- Compatibility: Add WooCommerce HPOS support
- Compatibility: Tested up to latest WooCommerce 8.5.2 and WordPress 6.4.3 versions
- Compatibility: Updated to support Caddy core 2.0
- Feature: Add custom free shipping meter text option
- Fix: Depreciated PHP < 8.0 code
= 1.6.10 =
- Improvement: Tested upto latest WC 6.8.2 and WP 6.0.2 versions
- Improvement: Caddy text translation issue
= 1.6.9 =
- Improvement: Convert all the integer value to float for better calculations
- Feature: Add SLEEK plan JS script to the Caddy settings page
= 1.6.8 =
- Fix: Users who bought monthly license key, was facing a license activation issue.
= 1.6.7 =
- Fix: Hide out of stock products from the product recommendation screen
- Fix: Delete premium license status option on plugin deactivation
- Fix: Save for later ajax action updated
- Improvement: Use the DB option to store the license value to check if the premium license is active or not
- Feature: Add affiliate link to Caddy branding
= 1.6.6 =
- Fix: Exclude products and categories from displaying in recommendation slider
- Feature: Add option to display Caddy on the Checkout page
- Fix: Excluding draft products to appear on the product recommendation
- Improvement: UK country code added in the free shipping meter
= 1.6.51 =
- Fix: Caddy page selection condition changes
= 1.6.5 =
- Improvement: Free plugin activation check using class name
- Improvement: Free shipping meter price updated with currency options
- Feature: Hide Caddy on Selected Pages
- Feature: Add fallback option if no up-sells are configured
= 1.6.4 =
- Improvement: Hide catalog visibility hidden products from recommendations
- Improvement: Remove save for later “added” class after deleting the item from the caddy cart
- Fix: Bug on display behavior settings after the plugin update
- Fix: Apply coupon AJAX issue
- Improvement: Remove subtotal section from caddy cart
= 1.6.3 =
- Improvement: Display behaviour added at top
- New Feature: Do nothing option added
- New Feature: Coupons discounts option added (same as free shipping meter condition)
- Improvement: Free shipping meter calculations updated based on a new option
- Improvement: New icons added for display behaviour, save button position, and caddy window position (in Caddy settings page).
- Improvement: Flatsome theme fixes
- Improvement: Updated Caddy logo
= 1.6.2 =
- Improvement: Caddy menu updated using new hook
= 1.6.1 =
- Improvement: License description message updated
- Improvement: Hide the activate button until a license key has been added
- Improvement: POT file updated
- Improvement: Free shipping bar condition updated
= 1.6 =
- New Feature: Notices functionality added for the cart events (mobile friendly)
- New Feature: Ability to change the cart icon
- Improvement: Free shipping meter changes
- Improvement: Admin section layout changes
- Improvement: Coupon condition updated
- Improvement: General performance optimizations
- Fix: License timeout issue
- Fix: Multi-site support updated
= 1.5.2 =
- Bug fix – plugin directory name updates
= 1.5.1 =
- Fixing EDD auto-updater function
= 1.5.0 =
- Bug fixes
- Free shipping condition updated
- License tab functionality updated
- Performance update – settings page changes
- Performance update – reduce license server checks
= 1.4.0 =
- Bug fixes
- License settings changes
= 1.3.0 =
- Bug fixes
= 1.2.0 =
- Bug fixes
= 1.1.0 =
- Bug fixes
= 1.0 (05/16/20) – Public release =
- Out of beta!
= 0.2 (02/03/20) – BETA =
- Private beta release.